
26 Novembre 2024 – Palazzo Barolo
Via delle Orfane, 7/A, 10122 Torino TO

This artistic project aims to bring the shapes, colours and gems of the jewellery into dialogue with the age-old practice of tarot cards, which have always been used for divine inspiration, to enhance intuition or get to know oneself better.

We have moved away from the concept of jewellery intended as a simple object of adornment, art or instrument of brightness or beauty, to enter a new world, full of meaning and sense.


An artistic journey of ethical jewellery

A language without words to talk about ourselves, a symbol that identifies us on our life journey, an element that resonates within our subconscious, like the gems that vibrate in the womb of the Earth.

The user is invited to have fun understanding how 6 of the major arcana cards of the tarot have been interpreted and translated into jewellery and to catch a glimpse of themselves in the personalities and meanings of which these creations are messengers.


Some photographs of the event

Via delle Orfane 7/A

Palazzo Barolo

Palazzo Falletti in Barolo is one of the most significant and best preserved seventeenth-century noble residences. Built for the Provana family of Druent, in the early 18th century it passed to the Falletti family of Barolo who lived there until the mid-19th century.

The last owners, Carlo Tancredi and Giulia Colbert di Maulévrier, transformed the Palace into the most famous Turin salon of the Risorgimento. In those same years the Marquises hosted Silvio Pellico, as secretary and librarian. Upon Giulia’s death in 1864, the Palace passed to the Opera Barolo, created by her in her will. Thanks to the contribution of the Compagnia di San Paolo and the CRT Foundation, the historic apartments are now open to the public and totally accessible to all.