Artistic project


This artistic project aims to bring the shapes, colours and gems of the jewellery into dialogue with the age-old practice of tarot cards, which have always been used for divine inspiration, to enhance intuition or get to know oneself better.

We have moved away from the concept of jewellery intended as a simple object of adornment, art or instrument of brightness or beauty, to enter a new world, full of meaning and sense.

A language without words to talk about ourselves, a symbol that identifies us on our life journey, an element that resonates within our subconscious, like the gems that vibrate in the womb of the Earth.

The user is invited to have fun understanding how 6 of the major arcana cards of the tarot have been interpreted and translated into jewellery and to catch a glimpse of themselves in the personalities and meanings of which these creations are messengers.

CARD NO. 2 / 21


Wisdom, intuition, faith.

The High Priestess reveals that part of ourselves that is intact and that has never been touched or hurt. An immaculate witness, a mine of purification and trust, a source of great potential.

The High Priestess wants to talk about material life and pure spirit together. She represents the soul that lives inside each of us, inviting us to enter into communication with the divine force.

In the representation of the card, she holds a book on her lap that refers to study and knowledge and one might think, since she is not reading, that she is sharing knowledge with those who are able to decipher it.

CARD NO. 4 / 21


Stability, protection, and dominion over the material world.

The number 4 that governs this card is associated with stability, like the figure of the square, symbol for material security. The affirmation in matter and the preciousness of knowledge are recognizable in the adornments of the armour and in the golden scepter. In the card, the emperor’s head is crowned by intelligence, symbolized by the rays of a sun that radiates outwards with yellow and red tips. He represents the masculine, a being firmly anchored in reality, capable of creating and bringing stability within and outside himself. Thanks to hi experience, he has succeeded in becoming the master of his own life and in grasping the reins of material security.



CARD NO. 6 / 21


Choice, pact, union.

This card is reflected in the jewellery as an emotional and mental state, rather than a real personality. It is the joy of existing and joy in others’ existance. Everything brings happiness:

Nature, the Universe, others in all their forms. Consciousness shines like a living star that constantly renews itself in the center of our heart which, with every beat, resonates with the universe. It is living in wonder, gratitude and joy.

CARD NO. 17 / 21


Higher intelligence, purity of spirit, acting in the world to find one’s place.

This card depicts a naked woman with two jugs of water that irrigate the earth, in a natural landscape, in harmony with the rhythms of the context: a star, under a sky of stars. This woman represents a human being who has reached purity, detachment, she has nothing to hide and only needs to find her place on Earth.

The contact with the divine is clear and evident, everything is in harmony with the cosmos and this woman seems capable of channelling the strength and generosity from above to fertilize and purify the earth below and return it to the sky in a cycle of eternal return.

The star may also represent our inner spiritual guide, connected to the divinity and the deepest forces of the universe. It is our ‘lucky star’.



CARD NO. 19 / 21


Solidarity, problem-solving, paternal archetype, new construction.

This card is a symbol of Life, of love, it is the archetype of the cosmic father, the source of heat and light that gives life to all creatures.

The union between the celestial, terrestrial and human planes is total. The card depicts a deep and free friendship, based on trust and mutual help, where a feminine part guides the masculine part to advance in life. One could see a metaphor of inner work in the two protagonists of the card, where the most conscious part of us helps the most primitive part to access a different reality.

The mastery of the gems, collected in countless multicoloured fireworks, want to disturb the ordinariness of jewellery as it has always been hypothesized, conceived, created. This jewellery wants to give joy, wishes to illuminate hearts and dilate the pupils; these compositions tell a poem that changes rhyme, verse and syntax with each wear; each time a new story, a new emotion, a new encounter.





CARD NO. 21 / 21


Total fulfillment, culmination.

This card represents total fulfillment, a perfect world, a great success. Here the World calls us to recognize ourselves in its profound reality and to accept the fullness of its fulfillment for better and for worse.

The World is the last tarot card with its number 21. The card represents a complete woman, at the peak of her spiritual growth, which incorporates the active male principle and the receptive female principle.

It is the moment in which, free from the risk of self-destruction, one begins to see the suffering in others, placing oneself at the service of humanity.